


The 历史和哲学系 welcomes you to its home page. Here we introduce our talented and student-friendly faculty, 我们的本科和研究生学位课程, 我们的组织, 俱乐部, 事件, 活动, 和项目.


The Department of 历史 and Philosophy offers the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 历史.  除了, 辅修历史, and a minor in Philosophy and Religion are offered by the department.  A minimum of 124 hours is required for the Bachelor of Arts degree, and 122 hours to complete the Bachelor of Science degrees in 历史, 分别. 按此申请.

对于所有程序, the following Core Curriculum requirements are Communication (English, 演讲, and a Foreign Language) — 12-18 hours; Humanities and Fine Arts — 6 hours; Social and Behavioral Science (including 历史 of Civilization) — 9 hours; Natural Science (including computer literacy) — 6-9 hours; Health or Physical Education — 2-3 hours; and Concepts for Success in College — 2 hours.  The total number of hours will range between 37 and 47 depending on whether a student receives foreign language credit based on their high school record, 或获得P课程学分.E. 而不是健康.  Specific course numbers and titles are identified on the Departments’s curriculum sheet.  A minimum grade of  “C” must be earned in all 历史 Courses.  A. 2.毕业要求GPA为0.  Additional requirements for graduation include passage of both the English Proficiency Examination and 历史 Department exit exam. For teacher certification, passage of the PRAXIS is required.


The 历史和哲学系 requires at least 39 hours of 历史 credits in addition to two classes of three hours each in 历史 of Civilization.  Required courses include: (1) HIST 201 and 202 — United States 历史; (2) 6 hours of global history in courses of your choice; (3)  HIST 344 — Historiography; and (4) HIST 447 –研究 Seminar.  HIST 344 and HIST 447 must be taken in sequence and each course will be offered only once annually. Additionally 18 hours of Social Science courses are required.


The 历史和哲学系 requires at least 36 hours of 历史 in addition to 历史 of Civilization.  Required Courses include: (1) HIST 201 and 202 — United States 历史; (2) 6 hours of global history in courses of your choice; (3) HIST 325 — Mississippi 历史; (4) HIST 344 — Historiography; and (5) HIST 447 — 研究 Seminar. HIST 344 and HIST 447 must be taken in sequence and each course will be offered only once annually. 

专业 Education Requirements include: (1) EDCI — Introduction of Education (3 hours); (2) SS 203 — Foundations of Education (3 hours); (3) RE 455 — Diagnostic Reading in the Secondary School (3 hours); (4) ETEC 367 — Introduction to Measurement, 评价, and Assessment (3 hours); (5) SS 301 — Law and Our Social System (3 hours); (6) COUN 315 — Human Development and Learning (3 hours); (7) EDCI 401 — 研究 Classroom Management and Clinical Practice (3 hours); (8) SS 401 — Social Science Methods (3 hours); (9) SPED 311 — Exceptional Children and Youth (3 hours); and (10) EDCI 402 — Clinical Internship in Student Teaching (12 hours); for a total of 39 hours.



The 历史和哲学系 requires at least 21 hours of 历史 for a 历史 minor.  要求包括一门非美国大学的课程.S. 历史, 美国历史(HIST 202), 史学(HIST 344), and four additional history courses at either the 300 or 400 level.

Within the 历史和哲学系 a minor in Philosophy and Religion is offered.  The number of hours necessary or required for a minor is 21 credits. Requirements for the minor include Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 301), and five additional course offerings in Philosophy and Religion chosen by the student in consultation with an adviser from this area.









欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2191与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



3楼套房,Dollye M. E. 罗宾逊的建筑
P.O. 17700箱
Jackson MS 39217


(601) 979-2191